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Check out How Grapes can act as a high fat diet


 Grapes can help counter negative effects of high fat diet

Add grapes in the daily diet can negate some of the adverse effects of eating high fat food.

 Researchers from the University of North Carolina asked participants consuming multiple types of saturated fat such as butter and beef to include grapes in their diet. After 11 weeks, the researchers noted a significant reduction in the percentage of body fat, subcutaneous and visceral fat deposit, and an improvement in glucose tolerance. 

Herbs too can have a negative effect on health :

The notion that herbs are safer than chemically created medicines is not always true, a US study shows. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine and Stony Brook .

University used Aristolochia, a popular medicinal remedy for their study, and found that its consumption can lead to mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene and cause kidney cancer. 

The intrinsic toxicities of herbs are not instantly detected as the latency period between exposure and the onset of symptomatic disease is often high. 

“The history of Aristolachia indicates that other herbs that have been used for a long time may also have toxic and/or carcinogenic compounds,” said lead researcher Donald M. Marcus. The study was published in the journal EMBO Reports. Read more here. 

Drinking can make giving up smoking difficult :

Drinking alcohol side by side with smoking processes nicotine faster in the body, which makes it more difficult for people to quit smoking, a US study claims.

Researchers from the University of California examined urine samples of 22 male smokers at an in-patient alcohol addiction centre to assess nicotine levels and metabolism after the first, fourth and seventh week since detoxication and found a significant decrease in nicotine metabolism after they had quit alcohol.

Drinking too much alcohol triggers the enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing nicotine. The study was published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 

Exercising can alleviate depressive symptoms in dementia patients :

Exercising can reduce symptoms of depression in older adults suffering from dementia, a Swedish study claims. Researchers from UMEA University randomly assigned 392 people with dementia to high-intensity functional exercise programme or a non-exercise group activity.

 Exercise programme included exercises that mimicked everyday movements such as getting up from a chair, climbing stairs or walking on a path with obstacles. 

Activities in the seated group included talking, singing and listening to book readings. They found that 45 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week had a better effect on depressive symptoms than seated group activities.

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