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Juicing may Effect’s your Health

Juicing is, Effect’s your Health says by health experts. NutriBullet smoothies could leave your feel like you have an irritable Bowel Syndrome

It is the health information  that has taken from the world by storm with Gwyneth Paltrow, Carol Voderman and the Duchess of Cambridge all rumoured.

Juicing' is the extract the juice from (fruit or vegetables) into drinks.But many people are unable to digest  the natural sugars available in fruit and vegetables. 

One of the health experts gastroenterologist has reported a rise in the somany of patients believing they have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Here  there are One  new warning that is 'JUICING' is the extract the juice from (fruit or vegetables) into drinks, could be doing us more effect than good.

Dr Jonathan Hoare, a consultant at St Mary's Hospital, in London, said many people are unable to digest the natural sugars in fruit and vegetables, known as FODMAPs, which hit the gut faster if decrease to a liquid.

Symptoms of IBS-type including, pain, diarrhea and bloating.

Health experts said 'We have seen quite a Some patients that come complaining of IBS-type, things like bloating and eat a lot of very healthy foods and diarrhoea,.

'We seen few patients that think they have IBS but it's just their diet. Everyone not  can handle large concentrations of natural sugars from vegetables and fruits.

 There are many  diets, slimmers and fitness tips restrict their food intake exclusively to liquidised fruit and vegetables  for  lose weight.

Some juice diet programmes help flush toxins out of the body or even 're-boot' the, induce weight loss and flush 'toxins' from the body. 

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'We need to promote healthy, sustainable approaches to weight loss that don't require sticking to faddy diets.'

“'According to research, specially compared fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced and nutritious diet.”

It has low intakes of essential micronutrients such as calcium and iron

'Clearly maintain chart for food  diet can potentially help with weight loss, but juicing is not.

'If continued over the long term it will result in high intakes of fruit sugars.

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