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Natural Remedies For Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is not a rare disease, and it can be treated by making a certain change in your lifestyle. It, s not that serious if you have a fatty liver, provided it doesn’t lead to an infection or other health problems.

Fatty liver caused by Alcohol so stop drinking Alcohol.

Lose Weight:-

Many health problems can be solved if you just lose a couple of pounds.

Diet chart click here


Ginger is a good for a fatty liver. It contains antioxidants, and also helps regulate levels of triglycerides.
You can make ginger tea or add ginger in your salad.

Grape fruit:-
Grapefruit contains enzymes that trigger the substances responsible for the oxidation of fatty acids. Grapefruit  also lowers the level of fat in the whole body.

Cleanse your liver:-

Avoid processed products, carbonated and energy drinks fast food etc.

Dandelion Tea:-

Dandelion has been used since ancient times. It’s recommended for people with a fatty liver, as it purifies the blood and acts as an antioxidant.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables:-

Raw fruits and vegetables are the most powerful ingredients for the treatment of liver. They helps in cleaning and recovering the liver.

