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Few Sirtfood Diet chart


A 14-day maintenance phase then follows and dieters can gulp a green juice plus three sirtfood meals a day.
Both Morse and Nestle said the early calorie restriction phase is the real secret to the diet's weight-loss promises.

"They have to be kidding. Anyone would lose weight -- and lots of it -- on 1,500 calories a day, with or without sirtuins," Nestle said.
She said it's basically a starvation diet, which can cause muscle mass loss and dehydration.

"Fortunately, the body fights starvation so most people can't stick to low-calorie diets for very long, and a few weeks on this diet shouldn't matter much," Nestle said.
Morse said the initial weight loss dieters may experience won't likely be fat loss, but rather a shedding of water weight.

"Most people won't see a fat loss in those early days. Likely it's water. You'll feel slimmer, but it's probably water weight. You can't lose fat in that short an amount of time," Morse explained.

"For a petite woman who is 5 feet tall and not very active, it's not very dangerous, but 1,000 calories would be much too low for a 6-foot-4-inch man to consume," said Morse.

Anyone with a chronic condition such as diabetes, where carbohydrate levels are important to follow, could face more serious health risks, she added.

On the plus side, you can't go wrong with a diet full of vegetables and fruits and good fats (such as those found in nuts and olive oil), Morse said.

"Rocket and parsley and celery and green apples -- those are all really good things. And green tea -- matcha -- has anti-inflammatory properties. There are human studies with green tea. Walnuts are high in healthy fats, fiber and protein," Morse said.

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A study out this week in JAMA Internal Medicine backs up the value of loading up on plant-based proteins. 

Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School researchers studied the diets of more than 130,000 people and found that eating more protein from plant sources was linked with a lower risk of death. Consuming more protein from animal sources was associated with a higher risk of death, especially among adults who had one or more unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking or being sedentary.

The Sirtfood Diet also requires lots of food planning and prep time, and Morse said people who plan their meals in advance typically have more weight-loss success.

"I would recommend aspects of this diet, but I personally wouldn't recommend this diet. I guess I don't like the term 'diet.' There's so much failure with diet. You're taught certain short-term goals and how to eat a certain way and then people tend to go off and gain more weight back," Morse said, noting that she prefers an overall lifestyle-based plan that people can stick to for life.

The early "starvation" phase of the diet aside, Nestle also said the plant-heavy eating plan has plusses.

"The foods that are proposed in this diet are excellent choices," she said. "If it helps people who need to lose weight to lose some, I'm for it."

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Fatty Liver Diet


Health experts found that fatty liver patients are respond well to the Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of fresh foods, products, nuts, salads, olive oil, poultry and fish. 

The fatty liver diet advocates consumption of the following:

Eat protein at every meal – Eat protein at every meal, especially include breakfast, it can helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels, it can also reduces sweet cravings and provides the liver with the help of  amino acids needed to function optimally. 

Good protein choices include eggs, salads, a protein shake, nuts, seeds, fish, leaf vegetables, organic-free-range chicken and lean, grass-fed meat.

Dark colored, fresh and organic produce are the best for fatty liver diet. Brightly colored vegetables & fruits are rich in antioxidants that combat liver inflammation. 

Fruit and vegetables contain high fiber which helps remove excessive fat & cholesterol from the bloodstream. In it vitamins and minerals needed for optimal liver function.

It produce especially valuable to a fatty liver for minerals and vitamins include blueberries, broccoli, kale, asparagus, grapefruit, papaya, tomatoes, spinach, cherries, raspberries, oranges, artichoke, mustard greens and bell peppers.

Unsaturated fats and omega 3-fatty acids are Healthy protein fats good for the liver’s health because they reduce inflammation. 

Reasons for Fatty Liver Diet

These Healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and cold-water fish. More specifically, foods such as, flax seed oil, wild salmon,  coconut oil, avocados and mackerel help reduce liver inflammation.

Whole grains are contain vitamins and minerals it uses for optimal liver function oats, bulgur, rice, rye quinoa, spelt, barley and brown rice, wild. 


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Natural Remedies For Fatty Liver


Fatty liver is not a rare disease, and it can be treated by making a certain change in your lifestyle. It, s not that serious if you have a fatty liver, provided it doesn’t lead to an infection or other health problems.

Fatty liver caused by Alcohol so stop drinking Alcohol.

Lose Weight:-

Many health problems can be solved if you just lose a couple of pounds.

Diet chart click here


Ginger is a good for a fatty liver. It contains antioxidants, and also helps regulate levels of triglycerides.
You can make ginger tea or add ginger in your salad.

Grape fruit:-
Grapefruit contains enzymes that trigger the substances responsible for the oxidation of fatty acids. Grapefruit  also lowers the level of fat in the whole body.

Cleanse your liver:-

Avoid processed products, carbonated and energy drinks fast food etc.

Dandelion Tea:-

Dandelion has been used since ancient times. It’s recommended for people with a fatty liver, as it purifies the blood and acts as an antioxidant.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables:-

Raw fruits and vegetables are the most powerful ingredients for the treatment of liver. They helps in cleaning and recovering the liver.

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Breast-Feeding Is Safeguard For Mother's Health


Becoming a mother brings with it the joy of motherhood and the responsibility of your young one. With the new feelings and experiences new mothers go through, they are sure to receive a lot of advice. While everyone advices new mothers on how best to raise their baby, what to feed their baby, dos and don'ts etc. 

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what they often miss is giving explanation on how breastfeeding benefits not only the baby but the mother as well. Yes! You read it right. You probably don't know that breast milk in addition to providing nutritional benefits to the baby provides a lot of health benefits to the mother as well. 

Breastfeeding usefull for Mothers click here


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Benefits Of Breastfeeding For The Mothers



1.    It helps in reducing the blood loss that typically occurs post-delivery
2.    There is no need to be worried about losing weight they gained during pregnancy. Breast- feeding helps shed those extra kilos and coming back to the original waist line. Women tend to burn extra 300-500 calories a day, while breastfeeding, that helps them lose pregnancy weight.
3.    Nursing your baby decreases the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.
4.    Helps reduce the occurrence of heart problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol that affect women in equal measures. Studies have shown that women who breast fed their babies regularly are at a lower risk of heart disease.
5.    Breast-feeding acts as a natural contraceptive. It helps in child spacing.
6.   And the best part about breast-feeding is the bond it creates between the mother and the child. 

Hoe breast-feeding acts as a safeguard for women click here

Knowing this the following points may be further helpful to know: 

1.    Babies should be exclusively breast fed for a period of 6 months. Exclusive breast feeding means that the baby should be fed only mother's milk and no other food including water. Medications however are an exception to this rule. This has been advised globally by leading organizations in health care.
2. Introducing complementary feeds at 6 months while continuing to breast feed for 2 years and beyond.


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Changing Mole Cause Cancer At Sometimes



Most of the peoples, who have between 10 to 40 years, these changing is occurring. Some people, especially those with lighter skin, have many more changes  These small clusters of pigment-producing skin cells may change in size and appearance over the years; in rare instances, a mole becomes a melanoma, the most potentially deadly skin cancer.

If you’re like most people, you don’t examine your moles or have a doctor check them periodically to see whether changes may signal a possible cancer. In fact, a survey of 476 people published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that only 25 percent reported checking their skin monthly; 17 percent reported that they did it just once a year.
That may be due, in part, to confusion over how effective regular skin checks are. So should you or a dermatologist check your skin? If so, how often? Here’s what you need to know about changing moles and the risk of skin cancer:

How moles change over time

Common moles are those we’re born with or develop until about age 40. They can change or even disappear over the years, and they very rarely become malignant. But according to the National Cancer Institute, having 50 or more moles puts a person at higher risk of melanoma — although research published in JAMA Dermatology has called that into question.
Moles that are called atypical often appear during puberty, but they can pop up throughout life. They’re considered benign but may have some features of melanoma, such as irregular borders.

Most atypical moles don’t become melanomas, but they are more likely than common moles to become cancerous. Having five or more atypical moles is linked to a higher-than-normal risk of “thick,” or more advanced, melanoma. (Many melanomas start as pigmented moles, but the two more common skin cancers, basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma, don’t. They arise on their own from normal skin.)


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The mechanism behind a mole’s change from benign to cancerous may be genetic in some cases. And although melanoma can occur in areas that are usually shielded from sunlight, ultraviolet radiation seems to be a significant factor. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Boris C. Bastian, a professor of dermatology and pathology at the University of California at San Francisco, and colleagues found that a mole exposed to UV radiation (like that from the sun or tanning beds) can mutate, triggering the abnormally rapid cell division that characterizes cancer.

Skin checks: Pros and cons

While it might seems as if it would make sense to have a doctor check your skin for skin cancers, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent expert panel that advises the government on screening tests, concluded in 2009 that there was insufficient evidence to recommend for or against regular skin checks by physicians. In July, the task force reaffirmed that conclusion, saying that there still is not clear evidence that regular professional skin exams saves lives by identifying cancers early.

But that doesn’t mean that you should avoid those exams, says Jessica Krant, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn and a member of Consumer Reports’ medical advisory board.

Exactly how often you should do that is unclear, and depends in part on your chance of developing the disease. People at high risk should probably see a physician, preferably a dermatologist, at least once a year, Krant says.
Key risk factors include a history of sunburns, fair skin, light eyes, red or blonde hair, a family history of melanoma or a personal history of basal cell or squamous cell cancer. (Screenings can also help pinpoint the latter two skin cancers, which are more common but not as deadly as melanoma.) People at very high risk or with a history of melanoma should be screened even more often.

Self-checks are also important. Krant recommends a monthly or every-other-month schedule. (A study in the journal Archives of Dermatology found that 44 percent of melanomas were discovered by patients.)
If you spot new moles or are unsure whether a mole’s changes may be meaningful, see a dermatologist. Sometimes, a melanoma may not resemble others in shape, color or size, says Scott W. Fosko, chair of dermatology at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. For example, he says, the amelanotic melanoma has little to no color.


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Flat Stomach Without Exersice


Perfect Your Posture

"Straighten up," advises The Biggest Loser trainer Kim Lyons, and your figure will look better. "When your posture is good, you're automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles." If you need to remind yourself to stand tall, she says, a few strategically placed Post-it Notes should do the trick.

Drink Up

Keep those fluids coming! "Being dehydrated causes the body to hoard water," says Lyons, which can lead you to carry up to four excess pounds around your midsection. Try for at least six eight-ounce glasses of water or other fluids daily.

3 Have a Seat

"Most women don't want to talk about it, but you really have to set aside a specific time each day to use the bathroom," notes Judith Reichman, M.D., a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles. If you don't, it's too easy to give in to feeling rushed, and ignore the urge to go." Once you've trained your brain to dismiss your body's signals, you set the stage for bloat-inducing constipation.

4 Eat Mindfully

Rather than scarfing down meals, make a point of chewing each bite at least 10 times before swallowing. "The body has to work overtime to break down food in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to major gas and indigestion," Dr. Reichman says. Plus, when you eat fast, you're more prone to swallowing air, which can ratchet up your risk of developing a potbelly.

5 Turn to the "Pros"

Probiotics are 'good' bacteria that help your digestive system break down food, preventing the gastrointestinal issues that can keep you from having a flat stomach," explains nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author of The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth. To ensure your plumbing is working at optimum capacity, Bowden suggests eating a daily serving of a probiotic-rich food like yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, or buttermilk, or taking a supplement containing at least 50 milligrams of probiotics. (Look for versions that contain the strains acidophilus and bifidobacterium, and are produced by reputable vitamin companies.)

6 Walk It Off

Try to squeeze in a 30-minute walk daily, says Lyons. The simple boost in metabolism will help you burn waistline fat more efficiently. And if you want to work out, skip those gadgets that promise "miraculous abs in minutes": A study from Kansas State University found most devices designed to target abs (think infomercials) don't live up to their promises. You'll see better results with traditional exercise.

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7 Give Up Gum

Because chewing forces you to swallow more puff-producing air, it can also keep you from squeezing into your skinny jeans, explain researchers at the American College of Gastroenterology. If you need to freshen your breath, you're better off sucking on a mint.

8 Relax Already

"When you're frazzled, your body increases its production of steroids and stress hormones, which negatively affect your digestive system, causing major constipation," says Dr. Reichman. And as if that weren't enough to leave you looking pouchy, stress also amps up the production of cortisol, a "fight or flight" hormone that sends excess fat directly to your midsection in its attempt to protect your vital organs. To minimize tension, Dr. Reichman advises, "take 20 minutes a day to do something that truly relaxes you."

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